Design Elements — Lawn Alternatives
The use of lawn comes with a high environmental and economic price, from the addition of costly fertilizer that can run off into waterways, to the requirement of frequent mowing by gas-powered mowers, to its near-zero benefit for wildlife. Alternative ground covers, such as naturalized meadows should be encouraged wherever possible. This will reduce the impact on the quality and quantity of both ground and surface water resources and increase the soil’s capacity to infiltrate stormwater and filter pollutants. Lower maintenance costs provide another incentive for developers and Homeowner's Associations to consider less manicured landscaping. Woodlands, hedgerows, and other existing natural vegetation are also environmentally friendly ground covers that should be preserved wherever possible.
Ordinance Considerations
The use of naturalized meadows can be encouraged through the open space design standards in the ordinance. The municipality should ensure that it does not inadvertently prohibit meadows, which may only need to be mowed once or twice a year, through a nuisance or noxious weed ordinance that does not allow grass to grow above a certain height. Where woodlands, hedgerows, and wetlands are already in place, they should be protected through municipal resource protection standards. Meadows, woodlands, hedgerows and other natural areas should be expressly stated as permitted uses. The municipality may want to go further and indicate in the "Permitted Uses" section that natural groundcovers are preferred over lawn except where active recreation uses (playgrounds, playing fields, etc.) are proposed.
Good Examples
Much of the open space preserved in Pickering Glen is maintained in meadow and offers spectacular views for homeowners.
Wildflower meadows create a unique experience for homeowners while reducing maintenance costs and promoting sustainability in in Charlestown Hunt.
Strategically placed trees and the wildflower meadows create beautiful views for the residents of Tullamore.