Williams Transco New York Bay Expansion Project

The New York Bay Expansion Project, proposed by Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC, (Transco), is a proposed expansion of the Transco pipeline, which extends from South Texas to New York City. Transco is seeking authorization from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for this expansion, which will impact Chester County through the modification of the existing meter and regulating station in East Brandywine Township and up-rating of Compressor Station 200 in East Whiteland Township.

Further information on this project can be found on the FERC website under Docket Number CP15-527-000. To search all documents with this Docket Number, and enter "CP15-527" in the top search box.

View information specific to Chester County from the Transco application to FERC.


Project Activity

FERC Grants Transco Request to Proceed with Construction in New Jersey

On October 24, 2016 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted the request of the Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company (Transco) to proceed with construction of portions of the New York Bay Expansion Project. This request is for portions of the project located in New Jersey only and includes construction of Compressor Station 207, associated access roads, Contractor Yard 2, and nearby Contractor Yard 3, in Middlesex County, New Jersey. View the letter from FERC.

Draft FERC Environmental Assessment Available

On April 4, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for comment on the New York Bay Expansion Project of Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company. The FERC Docket Number is CP15-527-000. View the Draft Environmental Assessment

Visit the FERC website to see all FERC postings and documentation on this project and enter Docket Number CP15-527 into the Search box to retrieve a chronological listing of documents. Comments on the Draft Environmental Assessment are due back to FERC in 30 days from the posting of the Draft EA.

View Chester County Planning Commission's April 4, 2016 comment letter on the draft EA for the Transco New York Bay Expansion project.

Notice of Intent to Prepare Environmental Assessment

On October 14, 2015, the CCPC received notice from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of their Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Assessment for the Proposed New York Bay Expansion Project, under Docket Number CP15-527-000.

This notice announced the opening of the scoping process that FERC will use to gather input from the public and interested agencies on the project. If you wish to comment, FERC asks that comments focus on the potential environmental effects, reasonable alternatives, and measures to avoid or lessen environmental impacts. Comments must be received by FERC on or before November 8, 2015. The proposed project will involve activities at existing aboveground facilities in Chester County:

Visit the FERC website to view filings with FERC on this project and enter "CP15-527" in the Docket Number box and click "submit" in the lower left hand corner. All items posted to FERC relating to the project will post here. View Notice

July 22, 2015

In late July, a letter was sent from Williams Companies, the owner of the Transco Pipeline, notifying landowners that are directly affected by the existing Transco system, those abutting a Transco property, or those property owners located within mile where additional compression is proposed, about this project. This letter also informed landowners that a company representative would be contacting them in the near future to discuss the project if it affects their individual property. The letter lists Patrick McClusky as the Senior Land Representative/Contact for this project (patrick.j.mcclusky@williams.com or 609-285-2424). View the Letter