Municipal Outreach

To support local municipalities and implement Landscape3, the Chester County Planning Commission has conducted direct outreach to municipalities on planning opportunities, based on an analysis of each municipality's plans and ordinances. We are now offering a rolling mini-grant program to support municipal implementation of these initiatives.

Municipalities can receive up to $10,000, must implement one of the eight initiatives listed below, can apply at any time, and must complete the project within a year.

Expanding the Network of Open Space

Open Space

Protecting open space and preserving the county's existing rural character are critical actions municipalities can support, using a variety of planning tools.

Open Space projects could potentially include:

Solar Power

Guiding Local Solar Ordinances

Municipal ordinances can facilitate safe and appropriate installation of solar power without imposing unreasonable barriers.

Solar projects could potentially include:

Protecting Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Woodlands, floodplains, wetlands, steep slopes, and riparian buffers provide many benefits that communities can protect.

Natural resources projects could potentially include:

Affordable Housing

Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis

Changes to local zoning can facilitate the construction of more affordably-priced housing, including starter homes for smaller or newly-formed households.

Housing projects could potentially include:

Bike Lane

Expanding Mobility Options

A variety of municipal actions support active transportation, which includes walking, biking, and taking public transportation.

Active transportation projects could potentially include:

Complete Streets

Creating Complete Streets

Complete Streets policies support roadways that meet the mobility needs of all users and provide for all appropriate transportation modes.

Complete streets projects could potentially include:

Encouraging Ag-Friendly Communities


Local zoning has not always kept up with the changes in agriculture, which needs to constantly modernize to remain competitive.

Ag-Friendly projects could potentially include:

Preserving Historic Villages


There are a range of planning tools municipalities can use to preserve their historic villages, while allowing these villages to evolve and thrive.

Village preservation projects could potentially include: