New Webpage Provides Resources for Woodlands & Tree Protection

Summer 2023


Trees and woodlands provide a multitude of benefits to the environment and our overall health, which is why it's important to understand how to best protect these resources. The Chester County Planning Commission recently launched a new webpage with information to assist in the protection and expansion of wooded areas, tree canopy, and individual trees — wherever they're located in Chester County!

The webpage includes resources such as funding and programs for tree planting projects, eTools and planning guides to support tree and woodland protection through municipal ordinances, as well as information about tree protection and replacement standard ordinances, choosing the right trees (and maintaining them), and dealing with challenges such as deer browse.

Additionally, the webpage features an interactive map which shows the county's woodland and tree canopy cover. This information can be useful in determining where gaps exist in tree coverage, and where tree planting efforts could have the most impact. It also includes layers that can be turned off and on identifying impervious surface, surface water and flood zones, surface temperature differences, parcel lines, and municipal boundaries.

With the fall planting season coming up, now is a great time to start planning for a tree planting project, whether at your own home, your business, or at your local park with a volunteer group. Keep an eye out for the fall round of the Keystone 10 Million Trees program, which provides free native trees and shrubs for restoration plantings and tree give-aways across the state.