Design Elements — Street Lighting

Attractive and pedestrian-scale street lighting fixtures are an important design element to consider during subdivision review. Where light pollution is a concern, the minimum amount of lighting needed for safety should be provided. In suburban areas with a higher density or level of traffic, or where destinations outside of the subdivision are within walking distance, an increased level of lighting may be appropriate for safety reasons and to enhance walkability.

Ordinance Considerations

The design of the light fixtures should be consistent with the character of the area. Proper lighting standards should apply to all proposed developments, not just conservation subdivisions. These standards are typically located in the subdivision and land development ordinance. Municipalities should ensure that their ordinance addresses lighting criteria including: illumination levels, lighting fixture design, control of nuisance and disabling glare, and installation. In particular, street lighting within residential subdivisions should include a maximum mounting height to encourage a pedestrian-scale streetscape and should require house-side shielding to eliminate glare into adjacent homes. Full-cutoff fixtures should be required for dark-sky compliance. The municipality should require that a lighting plan be submitted with the preliminary plan application and that the plan include catalog cuts for the specific lighting fixtures proposed to be used in the development.

Ordinance Example

Kennett Township's Lighting Requirements and Design Standards within its Zoning ordinance applies to all zoning districts and provides required light levels for various applications. It also specifies fixture design criteria, as well as requirements of the lighting plan.

Good Examples


Narrow roadways, short setbacks, thoughtful landscaping and attractive street lighting define the character of Deerfield Knoll.


Landscaped parking islands and traditional street lighting enhance the parking and reduce impervious coverage in Pinebrooke.


The architectural design of the dwelling units at the Greens at Penn Oaks are enhanced by traditional street lighting and landscaping.