Befriending the Environment

Chester County's open spaces, woodlands, streams, and natural areas are like a giant lung, keeping residents healthy and happy. There are many ways to befriend this wonderful county asset.

Clean energy

Clean energy

Clean energy, particularly solar and wind energy, does not generate air pollution or greenhouse gases.

Action: The county's municipalities can purchase clean energy, allow both residential and commercial-grade energy facilities in appropriate locations, and provide information on energy to its residents. Learn More

Electric vehicles

Electric vehicles

Although electric vehicles do produce some greenhouse gases, their impact is much less than conventionally-fueled cars.

Action: Municipalities can buy their own electric vehicles, install charging stations in their parking lots, and allow charging stations in other, appropriate locations. Learn More

Energy conservation

Energy conservation

Reducing energy use through conservation is a very effective way to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Action: In addition to conserving energy in their own buildings and operations, municipalities can encourage their citizens to do the same. Learn More



Recycling is a straightforward way to reuse products instead of sending them to landfills or burning them.

Action: Through their recycling programs, municipalities have a huge impact on recycling. Learn More

Green and blue roofs

Green and blue roofs

Flat roofed buildings can be made green with landscaping on the roof that absorbs rainwater or can be made blue with storage of rainwater that evaporates or slowly dissipates.

Action: Local municipalities can make green and blue roofs part of their stormwater management requirements, which are often in the subdivision and land development ordinance or in a separate stormwater management ordinance. Learn More

Energy audits

Energy audits

At times, it can be difficult to know exactly how to conserve energy, and energy audits are a great tool for doing this.

Action: Municipalities can hire a firm to do an energy audit for them, and, typically, the savings from using more energy-efficient equipment more than pays for itself over time. Learn More

On-lot sewage management

On-lot sewage management

On-lot sewage disposal can be a safe and effective method for domestic sewage, provided it is managed appropriately.

Action: Local municipalities can help homeowners understand proper maintenance and management of their systems with information and guidance. Learn More

Water conservation

Water conservation

Conserving water reduces the community's impact on the groundwater table and helps protect stream quality.

Action: Local municipalities can conserve water in their own operations while including water conservation requirements in their building code. Learn More

Green buildings

Green buildings

Green buildings are designed to minimize all kinds of environmental impacts.

Action: Municipalities can encourage green buildings by providing bonuses in their zoning ordinances for them and can make sure that new municipal buildings meet green building standards. Learn More

Controlled lighting

Controlled lighting

Bright lights can adversely affect both wildlife and people.

Action: Local municipalities can regulate light levels, light trespass, and glare through their zoning and subdivision and land development ordinances. Learn More